Boating and Intoxication

The Position of the Law The dangers of driving while drunk take different forms. It may lead to bodily harm for the drunk individual or someone else; or destruction of property; losing your driver’s license; or worse, being slapped with a DUI charge. For purpose of clarity, DUI is the acronym for ‘Driving Under theRead More

DWI: How It Affects Job Search

A criminal record is a huge stain on your profile in the U.S, as it affects your future job prospects. Thankfully, more employers are taking a more lenient approach towards applicants with a DWI on their record. This is in addition to the encouraging fact that you may be able to dismiss a DWI fromRead More

DUI versus DWI

So, Are They The Same? It is easy to use DUI and DWI as synonyms, seeing how often we use them and differing definitions between jurisdictions. However, they are distinct offenses that, in some jurisdictions, carry separate charges. What is DUI? First, the more common of the two; DUI is the acronym for “Driving UnderRead More

Sponsored Legislation By The Foundation For Advancing Alcohol Responsibility

The Foundation For Advancing Alcohol Responsibility is an organization that seeks to eliminate drunk driving in America. It is involved in research and policy development regarding underage drinking, teen driver safety and healthy lifestyles. In addition, they hold community events to campaign against driving while under the influence of alcohol. The Foundation also participates inRead More

Fair DUI Flyer

For a couple months now, various news stories have been published and Youtube videos posted, showing drivers passing through DUI checkpoints. Rather than submitting to the normal inconveniences of the police officer’s demands, they instead pull up to the checkpoint and dangle a Ziploc baggie by a string from the top of their closed window.Read More